Informational Webinars

As part of our efforts to promote our DPA Program Administration Best Practices, we’re conducting a series of informational webinars designed to educate program administrators on some of the specific topics addressed. Below, you can register for upcoming webinars, and view recordings of those that have already taken place.

We hope these presentations will inspire you to consider adopting the best practices into your own work!

DPA Program Admin Best Practices – What? Why? Background…

This webinar reviews the DPA Program Administration Best Practices, as well as the goals and vision behind their creation, how they were created and where community and industry input came from.

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The Importance of Reserving DPA Funds

This webinar focuses on the benefit of allowing consumers to reserve DPA funds earlier in homebuying the process, and the practical implications for administrators.

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Integrating DPA with Shared Equity Homeownership

This webinar covers shared equity homeownership options and how they can intersect with down payment assistance products to make homeownership accessible.

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The Importance of the HUD-Approved Nonprofit Roster

This webinar covers issues related to the HUD-Approved Nonprofit Roster with regard to the best practices. What is it? Why does it matter? And what does it mean for DPA providers and lenders?

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Targeted Eligibility and Reducing the Homeownership Gap

In this webinar, participants will learn from DPA Administrators who are using targeted eligibility to reach homebuyers historically left out of homeownership.

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Best Practices Making the Difference for Consumers

In this webinar, participants will learn about real-world practices that are making a difference for consumers, and changes that program administrators should consider given the current market.

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The First-Generation Homebuyers Community DPA Fund

In this webinar, attendees will learn more about the First-Generation Homebuyers Community Down Payment Assistance Fund, which will be coming online this spring. This presentation will go beyond program basics and underscore how this first-of-its-kind pilot has the opportunity to transform the way down payment assistance is accessed and delivered.

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Securing the Future: How Program Administrators Build Buy-In for DPA

In this webinar, attendees will gain insights from their peers on tactics to build support for funding for Down Payment Assistance. Additionally, they’ll discover methods for effectively conveying the impact on both homebuyers and the community.

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Informing Homebuyers: Introducing Plain Language Forms for DPA Programs

During this webinar, attendees will learn about a new tool: a plain language disclosure designed to ensure homebuyers understand the terms of the Down Payment Assistance and what it means for their future as a homeowner. This valuable resource will enhance communication and transparency, benefiting both homebuyers and the community.

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How Homebuyer Education and Advising Shape the Buying Experience

In this webinar, we’ll explore the borrower’s experience with the instructor-led Homebuyer Education course, Home Stretch, and one-on-one sessions with a Homeownership Advisor. We’ll discuss what participants learn, the process involved, and the benefits for buyers – especially when they engage before they sign a Purchase Agreement.

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First-Generation DPA: Closing the Racial Homeownership Gap

In this webinar, we’ll explore how shifting from first-time to first-generation homebuyer can address systemic barriers and help close the racial homeownership gap. Learn how statewide and local programs are implementing this approach, and the impact it’s having on creating a more equitable pathway to homeownership.

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